About the Author


Wow, where to begin? I love science fiction, fantasy, and romance. Put the three together and you get my mind awash with story ideas that I cannot get down fast enough. I write contemporary fantasy romance featuring everyday magic and love, I also create science fiction romance playing with cryogenic freezing, and rouge nuclear bombs. I love creating new worlds in any genre and discovering new worlds.

My science fiction romance, Unexpected Revival is in the editing phase and will be published soon through Wild Rose Press. Sign up to receive my newsletter to receive more information on the publishing schedule.

I published my first novella Unrequited Love in the Anthology Love Through Heartache, and have currently re-released it as a standalone novella in the Magic and Heartache series. The second book Unrewarded Love is available in most online bookstores, and I’m working on the third and fourth books in this series.

If you want to stay in touch, see what I’m up to, and enjoy my unique interests, you can follow my Facebook page, or if you’d like to be more involved in my writing you can now follow me on Ream. You can also check out the menu for more social connections, reader and author resources including information aids on writing and inclusivity, and upcoming releases.

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